Something we get asked a lot is, “what exactly is mock trial and what do we do at competitions?”. Simply put, Mock Trial is a competitive activity to see who can put on a better fake trial and state their case in the best way possible.
Every year the American Mock Trial Association writes a fictional criminal or civil legal case full of witness statements and exhibits. We analyze the facts, and create the strongest prosecution/plaintiff or defense case theory. We learn rules of evidence, case law and objections to defend that case theory at trial. Then, during trial, we act as witnesses and attorneys to present our case against another team. Our competitions take us all over the country, and our team often gets told by real attorney judges that we perform better than attorneys they've seen in an actual courtroom.
Whether or not you want to go into law school, Mock Trial is a great way to become confident in your public speaking skills, hone your writing ability, or learn how to craft an argument. So, it's no surprise that Mock Trial looks great on any resume! If Mock Trial sounds like the RSO for you, please contact our Recruitment and Retention Chair, Lauren Martin, at or our President, Cassidy June, at to find out more about recruitment events for the upcoming season.
Find us at Big Red Welcome events, or join us at our informational meetings on Thursday, August 29th, and Friday, August 30th, from 7:30-8:30 pm in the city campus Union Food Court A. If you are an East Campus student, we will also be having an informational meeting on Saturday, August 31st from 2:00-3:00 pm in the East Union Garden Room.